Show secretary’s report – Elm Park

At last we can breathe a big sigh of relief now that our first show at our lovely new venue was a success. The weekend started with a slight hiccup, the camping ground was too wet for the big motorhomes so we had to throw the ring plan out of the window and start again. The Elm Park team worked extremely hard and soon had it sorted. Thanks to all the campers for parking as requested with no moans or complaints. The final ring plan ended up a little more cosy than we originally planned but apart from that I think it went very well. I am sure over the next few years we will be tweaking things to make it better for everyone.

First of all a big thank you to Beechwood for allowing us to hold our show at their lovely venue and for being such a great bunch of people to deal with. A big thank you to the Elm Park members who worked tirelessly Friday, Saturday and Sunday to make the show a success, well done guys. Also thanks as usual to John and Kath Westell and Sue Starr for helping out. To Lyn, Steve Parmiter, Les Willis, Mick and Lyn Johnson who aren’t members but always lend a hand.

Thanks to Paula Kenny and Sandra Barnes who stepped in at the last minute to replace two judges who had to step down. Also thanks to Richard Kebble for being our Chief Steward.

Thank you to all our judges and stewards who gave up their day. To run this weekend we usually need around 70 plus judges/stewards. Without these lovely people there would not be an Elm Park weekend.

Congratulations to our ticket winners, Saturday – Trish Jones with ObCh Longwaves Cloudy Sky for winning the dog ticket and Victoria Cook with Lupitoonz Dance Monkey for winning the girls ticket and this was Victoria’s first ticket ever – fabulous.

Sunday – Lorna Hilton with ObCh Zanyway Great Expectations for winning the dog ticket and Mary Ray with ObCh Sarkam Sings the Blues for winning the girls ticket.

Also congratulations to all the winners of the other classes.

So our first show at the new venue came to a close. The weather was fairly kind to us just a bit of drizzle on Sunday. We felt it was a great atmosphere and the Elm Park team hope everyone enjoyed the weekend with the show at the new venue. Those of us from Elm Park that camped finished off with a lovely meal at The Taz on Sunday evening – yum, yum.

See You all next year, when we can do it all again.

Julie Appleton

Show secretary’s report – Welsh Dragon Dog Club

Well we did it! After all the planning and organising, it finally happened.

The comments and remarks about this new venue have been wonderful. I knew you would like it as soon as I went to visit. I really can’t believe they let us into their wonderful stadium, but they did, and were very helpful. My grateful thanks go to all the staff at sports, especially Emma, Zak, who even put the flood lights on when we arrived at 7am! I had’nt realised it would be dark!!! also Gaz, who visited thoughout the day to check all was well.

Thank you also to all competitors for keeping the arena and car parks poo free, we swept through at the end and did’nt find anything, wonderful.

It seems the canteen went down well, from all the lovely comments.

We had many change of judges leading up to the show, so a big thank you to all who judged on the day.

The team! way to many to name, you were wonderful. Many from our 11am class at our dog school, who had never experienced a show before were really impressed with everthing they saw. They helped out serving the judges drinks, a bit of scoreboarding, some scent decoy, and generally helping out. I hope they will be entered next time.

Colin, my right hand man. None of this would of been possible without your support. Also super ace Chief Steward. xx

I will also mention Dave and Kay, whose help and guidance was invaluable right from the start. Also must mention Kays friend Vicky who made 400 scent cloths, wow! Also Babs and Cathy who were always on hand for help with judges and advice.

We had lots of friends and past pupils come to visit and show support, it was wonderful to see you and that you took the trouble to come along.

Everyone looked happy at the prize giving. CSJ were extremely generous with their products, there were goodies for all in Pre and Beg up to 10th, and 1st in all other classes. The dragons all found their new homes, something to remind you of the first show in North Wales for quite some time. Congratulations.

I hope you’ll be pleased to know we are willing to do it all over again, with a bit more knowledge on how to do things better or easier. I have the licence already for SUNDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER 2025.

Chris and Sam took photos of you all day, hope you all enjoy looking back. Thanks Guys.

So there you go! I can get my house and my life back now!! I was warned it was hard work, but I did enjoy it really….. Pat Werner

Show secretary’s report – BAGSD

BAGSD show: Saturday 21st September.

Secretaries report (the the obedience equivalent of an Oscar’s speech!! 😂)

Firstly we would like to say a massive THANK YOU to all of the people who helped to make our show a success…we are grateful to every single one of you!

Special thanks has to go to Kathy and Pete, for organising everything venue wise and letting us use their equipment, Jane Barstow for being our chief steward, Sandra Cobbold for driving hours to come and do an amazing job with the admin and “the boys” who without a doubt are the hardest working people in obedience and cheerful with it!

The members of Walsall BAGSD, who despite not being a competitive obedience club, came along and did absolutely every job asked of them perfectly and with enthusiasm! Once again, we had more helpers than we knew what to do with, which is amazing!

Some of them even entered their first show and came away with prizes…congratulations and hopefully you’ll get to some more shows! 😁

Jan, Vicky and Denise manned the kitchen and provided an awesome judges lunch, which was a little different this year and very well received…and the homemade cakes were to die for as usual! Thank you ladies!

Huge congratulations to everyone who got placed and a special congratulations to our two ticket winners…good luck at Crufts!

Obviously it can’t all be good.

We had a competitor (and yes, we do know who it was) who drove at a ridiculous speed (20-25 mph) through the camping area on Saturday morning, as they wanted a particular parking spot for the day.

The 5mph limit is there for a reason, you are putting people and dogs lives at risk, especially through where dogs may be coming out of gardens or through the cut throughs.

You are also putting the use of the venue at risk,as the council are strict on our movements and speed.

I think a reminder that entries can be refused by show societies…and will be, if this happens again. We will also report it in the incident book.

Rant over!!

Obviously we can’t do a report without mentioning the pretty impressive weather…thank you to the majority of people who were patient and cheerful whilst we sorted out getting you out of the mud and off the venue! The great British weather definitely made Sunday interesting!! 😂

As most people know, Bea and I will be running Kathy’s 3 days and the weeks camping as well as our own show next year, so if you would like to offer to judge, we still have some judging slots available! 🙏 — with Beatrix Benton.

Tracey Pilsbury



What a brilliant day.

After setting up in rain and wind, the weather gods were kind for show day with warm sunshine – perfect for humans and dogs. With only 5 rings (1 pre-beginner, 1 beginner and 3 novice) plus 2 training rings, we were able to have plenty of room for parking and exercising dogs.

There are always so many people involved in running a show and it is important that their efforts are noted, and they receive the praise they deserve.

Firstly, Clare Williams our club Honorary Secretary and show secretary. Without Clare the show could not take place as she does so much during the year up to the two shows we put on and then working like a trojan all day. So, a big thank you to her!

Team Chesvale is the best. From setting up on Saturday, arriving early Sunday morning to finish off making the showground perfect, managing the car parking and putting up tents. They do all of this with a smile on their face (possibly a grimace in some cases as we’re not as young as we were). Then after a long two days, they happily dismantled everything and stored it away. What a team! Jim Nokes, Norman Partridge, John Pepper, Keith Saunders, Alan Dyas, Steve Weston, Jane Byard, Paul Spencer.

Catering at Chesvale’s shows is renowned for being superb and this year did not disappoint. Fabulous food at lunch and then the most amazing cakes and cream teas for the afternoon. The catering team for lunch is Gail Nokes, Lynne Weston, Pauline Finn, Julia Yerrell and Stephanie Mayne. Afternoon teas were manned by Jo Dyas, Sally Partridge and Sharon Smith. Debs our competitor caterer also received glowing reports for the quality and cost of her food and drinks.

Wonderful Laura Wiley manned the training ring again and was busy all day! We supplied several chairs for those waiting to get Laura’s help and they were full all day. I know that the handlers were extremely grateful for Laura’s fantastic attitude and help. We also had a self-help ring which was also well used throughout the day. Thank you to Sheila Rodger for organising the waiting masses and taking the money. They took an amazing £126.00 for K9 Heroes which is our chosen charity for the show this year.

The tombola stall was well attended as usual and thanks to Maggie Petit for manning the stall, taking £95.00 which will also go to K9 Heroes.

We had a surprise visit from members of the Gaddesdon branch of the Riding for the Disabled charity. They came to personally thank Chesvale for the donation of £1,000.00 we recently sent to them. A wonderful charity that really needs support for the great work they do.

My thanks must also go to the judges and their stewards. Sue Chambers who came to our rescue when Vanessa Sultana was unable to fulfil the appointment to judge pre-beginners (hope you’re better soon Vanessa). Carey Holah (beginners), Chris Milner, William Forest and Liz Jakeman (novice). Shows cannot run without committed judges who are prepared to give up their time, thank you for your time and your support of Chesvale DTC.

Finally, thank you to all the competitors and we hope you had a lovely day with us. See you at our next show on 4th May 2025 (pre-beg to B) and our show on 24th August 2025 (pre-beg – novice)

Carol Spencer

Show secretary’s report – Lichfield

Firstly, I’d like to thank all of the judges, stewards and scribes that gave up their precious time, allowing us to run the show. Thank you to our chief steward, Tony Lewis for his time, help and support. A big thank you to “Team Lichfield”; who worked extremely hard to make the event run smoothly and successfully. With extra thanks to the 3 lads who worked tirelessly guiding competitors and campers to the correct parking locations and helped with set-up and breakdown.

On the Monday beforehand, the show going ahead was in question because continuous wet weather and the impact of the County show had caused the Weston Car park ground to become unsuitable. Fortunately, Stafford County showground was able to offer an alternative venue on the other side of the showground. Changing locations meant last minute changes to ring plans, camping and car parking arrangements. The on-site caterers supplied judges’ breakfast sandwiches and superb lunches and opened for competitors also.

Congratulations to Kathy Russell and Sue Monk who won tickets at the show – wishing you the best of luck at Crufts next year.

Thank you to all the competitors who kept the venue clean and tidy, disposing of rubbish as requested.

Wishing you all a successful 2024 and look forward to seeing you in 2025.

Carol Hartland

Tony Lewis Shave

Well its GONE thank goodness I hated it which only happened because I called him a scruffy bugger for not shaving for a couple of days.

Thank you to everyone who donated online and at the show at the weekend and also our club (Loughborough). The biggest thank you goes to Lyn Tozer who suggested he had it shaved for charity, thank you Lyn also thank you to our daughter Wendy who came over and took the fungus off his face.

Online £195 was raised, at the weekend cash donations raised £170.50 and Delia’s suggestion to our club committee it paid £135 making the total to £500.50 pence for Canine Charity.

I now have not an old man but a younger version.

Ruth Lewis

Show secretary’s report – Wirral Alsatian Training Society

Wirral Alsatian Training Society Shows 25 and 26 May 2024.

Well, what a weekend! The weather threw everything at us apart from hailstones, and snow!

Rain fell steadily, and heavily from Wednesday and on Thursday, when we had no alternative but to cancel the camping due to the potential damage to the venue, and loss of availability in future years. Also, there was standing water at the top end of the field under the trees. In the end we had 34 campers plus two club members’ caravans.

It was a near run thing, but we decided to go ahead with the shows, in view of the fact vehicle parking would be Ok, but even then, we had to swop the parking from one area to another to minimise the effect on the ground on the three days.

One point I would mention is that abuse towards our parking stewards is not and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The lady and gentleman tasked with this role were new to obedience and I hate to think what impression they have formed of our sport after the weekend.

So… big congratulations to our ticket winners, Shirley Clowes, and Wendy Hughes. Best of luck at Crufts 2025.

This year we had three shows, including Border Club of Wales. All the shows ran smoothly, with no more than the usual hiccups. Of course, I must thank all who helped, in setting up, running the shows, and our thanks to all those who helped clear the field at the end of a very long weekend. Thank you once again to everyone involved.

All being well we will run the shows next year. The dates for your diary are 5thand 6th July 2025.

Nicki Fildes-Moss

Show Secretary

Wirral ATS.

Show secretary’s report – Plantation Park Weekend

Phew!! I think the weather gods chucked everything at us this year. From torrential rain and thunderstorms to occasional patches of sunshine. I hope everyone manages to get off the venue today (Tuesday). Huge thanks to all the people who offered to tow the unfortunate stuck ones. Especially the tractor man who’s been working hard all morning.

Mega thanks to all who made this weekend possible. All our lovely judges and their stewards/score stewards for standing out in the rain. Gloria Fountain & Helen Jermy who work hard guiding all the campers into their places. You had a lot to put up with this year – unfortunately a few people don’t seem to realise you need to sleep at night ☹️ The day car park people – Steve Parmiter and Steve Clark. Hope you didn’t get too much grief from anyone. Glynis Smith for making a selection of scrummy cakes again – thanks Glynis, always appreciated 😋 And please don’t forget the recipe for the cherry fruit cake. Seriously yummy! Thanks to Dave Gillett for doing his favourite stinky job lol Also to Loryn Oliver for standing in to judge, at short notice. Thanks to Jan and Clare for scoring/decoying where needed. And thanks to Reg Darby and Kay Griffiths for answering my plea for ring stewards. Huge thanks to our Chief Steward, Richard Kebble. Always on hand to help and advise, thank you. Hope you can do it all again next year 😊 And a big hug to Vanda Fitter for taking all the scent cloths home to wash. Thank you Vanda 👍 Thanks also to Teresa Paterson for printing, sorting class numbers & running orders etc. Not the easiest of jobs with people having to swap classes.

Thanks as always to the Norfolk/Yarmouth clubs for the use of their equipment. We definitely wouldn’t be able to run these shows without all your stuff! And thanks to John & Jo for allowing us to use their venue and Jo and girls especially for doing all the catering.

Hope I’ve not forgotten anyone.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend in spite of the rain. Huge thanks to everyone who put their name down to judge next year. We’ve actually got more names than we need!! I’ll be in touch with everyone soon. Thanks again.

One little moan to end on – to “Mr. Horrified” who came to tell us he was horrified that the beginners was taking so long to judge! I hope you were happy with your rosette after waiting sooo long. Just think for one minute that a comment like that, after we’ve spent all day putting on a show in the pouring rain, might just make us think “sod it, we won’t do this again” Oh well, there’s always one 🥴 See you all next year 24/25/26th May And it’s still raining………

Kath Westell

Secretary’s Report – Leicestershire GSD Championship Show

So, another year comes and goes. The rings and equipment goes away to gather dust until the next time.

After a much deserved rest and contemplation now is the time for the usual post show debrief.

As some of you may know, we are only a small club that is primarily a breed club. It may suprise you to know that the obedience team that organises and put on the show consists of 3 people. The breed side which is the chairman, secretary and treasurer did not attend the show at all so you can imagine it is a very tough task to put on a successful event.

I would like to place on record thanks to my mum Jacki Snook who is the primary organiser of the event. She finds and selects the judges. She does all the leg work in making sure the right paperwork is ready and ensures that things are in place to make the show as successful as possible. Myself and my dad have picked up the extra tasks to try and release the pressure.

As mentioned above the show cannot function on 3 people alone. We had extra help from people who have no association with the club and without them the show would not go ahead. I would like to place my thanks to Julie Shepherd, Neil Shepherd and my partner who came and helped with setting up on the Sunday and then helping the running on the Monday. As you saw from the post last week and the stress of the venue the parking went much better than expected and I would like to thank every single competitor and visitor for their patience and understanding to make the most of a very undesired situation.

We had extra help towards the end of the day from people who train at the club and other friends and your efforts were greatly appreciated.

Further thanks to the judges and stewards who have given up there day to help. It is much appreciated.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the show and once again I truly appreciate and thank your respect and understanding during the difficult circumstances.

Jacki & Anthony Snook

Sunday 10 March 2024, Mothers Day and the Crufts B1tch Obedience Championship. Frances & Rumour

Firstly I would like to thank Rob and his team for all their hard work both in preparing for and on the big day. It was a lovely round to work and it’s always a pleasure to be stewarded by Paul with his calm reassurance and skill of being in just the right place on every turn. The whole team and organisation were faultless. Thank you.

I have been completely overwhelmed by the wishes of Good Luck and congratulations we’ve received and would like to say a huge Thank You to everyone concerned.

I hope to see you at the shows soon.

On a personal level the whole Crufts experience has been unbelievable and amazing. I went hoping Rumour and I would complete all the exercises but she absolutely rose to the occasion. I am so proud of my girl and chuffed my handling held up on the day.

After many years competing in obedience to be the proud owner and sidekick to Obedience Champion Raital Rumour is absolutely a dream come true and to have won the Crufts Championship is out of this world.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this amazing experience.

Frances & Rumour