Show secretary’s report – North West Kent

NWKent Champ & Open Shows

Another show weekend done and dusted, we run on a weather cycle of one year searing heat and the next rain or the constant threat of downpours – we got heat this year and hotter than all the apps said it would be but we all survived and I think the club quite enjoyed the early finish on Sunday.

I have to thank all the judging teams for enduring the conditions without complaint. This proved so difficult with change of judges over both days, some never made it to the published schedule which gave me a frantic few days early in the year so my thanks to all those who accepted my plea right up to 2 days before when Covid struck yet again, too many to mention! But we appreciate so much that this did not impact on the quality of judges, something we pride ourselves on, one little bit. I must give special thanks to Paul Cook for stepping in to judge the Dog CC when Richard Kebble had to drop out- we had a special judges present especially for Richard but Paul accepted it with good grace, he then stewarded for Victoria Cook the next day, both gave up their entire weekend for us, much success to you two, you deserve it.

I am very proud of our own members who are a well oiled machine, know what needs to be done and just get on with it, this makes such a difference to running the weekend and there were many rosettes gained too – so you can help at a show, work and win, we had 3 class winners!

Thanks go to Teresa Paterson for her invaluable help, there is not much that she does not know. Sandra Cobbold – CS and our rock, her calm approach to any issue is hugely valued by us all.

This year we took on Obreedience, a disappointing entry but I gather that those that attended had a good experience.

One issue that was a cause for concern was the handler who left her dogs in her car without enough ventilation, cover and even water, 2 dogs in small boot area and 1 on the front seat. We opened the doors to let air in, when the handler appeared she did not seem at all concerned – Sandra Cobbold had some words. Dogs deserve better owners.

We had a large selection of judges gifts so we decided to play Dingo Doggy Bingo – choose a card and match a present – this caused a fair bit of amusement so I think we will do this again, everyone went home happy.

We are back next year 22 & 23 July, hope that we see you all there.

Eileen Restell

Show secretary’s report – Coventry

Coventry Champ Show – 09th July – Secretary Report

I always feel like I am making an Oscar acceptance speech when writing these reports but we really couldnt do it without the help received so here goes…

This year, having not held a show since 2019, I really felt that we had forgotten that elusive something but everything went off brilliantly.

I am so grateful we have the venue we do, we are so lucky and so are the judges with the fabulous lunch the club steward George and his wife Mary puts on for us.

Again it was a hot one, which seems to be the norm for us. Thank you so much to all the helpers who helped moved all the equipment, set up and put away. We lost Les Perry, Pat Perry and Roy Clarke to Covid, I hope you are better soon and poor Jaqui Spurgeon to a badly sprained ankle, rest up Jaqui x

Thank you to our judges and stewards who worked their socks off, you are all fab. Happy Retirement to Roger Gunby who has judged every year for us and is now having a well earned rest.

Special thanks to Annegret Tack-Benton, Lyn May and Jane Barstow who stepped in to helps us out at the last minute.

Thanks to Lisa Fellows our superstar first aider, whose skills, thankfully, were not required this year.

Thanking you kindly to Jan Morse for manning our training ring and for giving me a good work out ?

Thanks to all the committee members that dug in and helped make the day a success and thanks to Petneeds and Bev Hotson for having a stall with us.


congratulations to our Ticket winners Pauline Hill and Rachel Millington, good luck on the green carpet!

Thank you to our competitors for entering our lovely little show x

I am so sorry if I have missed anyone out !

See you all next year – Kelly and Jean x