Show secretary’s report – Billingshurst DTC

SHOW REPORT 24.06.23

So after all the preparation another show has gone by in a flash. The weather was very hot but most people were being sensible and keeping their dogs, and themselves, cool. Aided and abetted by a number of enthusiastic campers the rings were put up on Friday and, thanks to Brian Reed and his team, the campers were parked. Julie Enright did a marvelous job ticking everyone in and also manned (Womanned?) the gate on Saturday and Sunday. Julie you are an absolute gem.

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Show secretary’s report – Newbury & District DTS

Newbury & District Dog Training Society Open Obedience Show 11th June 2023

A great big thank you to all who helped, came, judged, stewarded, car parked and all the thousand and one things necessary to keep a show on the road. You were all amazing. Special thanks must go to Basingstoke Club who shared not only their equipment but time energy and good humour for the whole weekend. Thank you, David Moxon, for chief stewarding. To Carol Clack and Doreen Davies (who unfortunately didn’t make the day due to illness) with me, as the Show Committee, put in many hours of effort. Jane Martin who agreed to be my stand in judge etc in case of emergency, fortunately not required in that capacity but, was there helping everywhere and taking down rings and tents at the end of the day.


Now getting down to sort out the leftovers etc.

Angela Einon – Show Secretary


The organisers of NOCF have deliberated long and hard , involving much discussion and consideration of all factors and have regrettably come to the decision that we will not be running any more NOCF events.

Firstly, on a personal note, I wish to extend my deep thanks to Dave Banks for his unstinting help and support right from the initial idea and to Rhia and Paula for helping me to turn my strange idea into a successful reality.

The help and work behind the scenes was immeasurable and was given unconditionally in an effort to benefit everyone in Obedience.