Show secretary’s report – North West Kent DTC Champ & Open Shows

Another year is over! As always there are stresses and strains pulling a double weekend together and as Show Secretary I am only too aware that its impossible to get everything 100% but we are fortunate at the club to have a team that knows how to pull together and get the job done from start to finish. I can’t do names as they could fill the page but you each know your worth to the club and to me.

Special thanks to the camping team of Linda Plows, Gaynor Taylor, Vanda Fitter, Teresa Paterson, Sean & Myra McCarthy and those that did a stint on the entry gate.

Our venue is not the best but we hopefully plan it out to make the best of what is available and I think that the rugby club upped their game somewhat with the catering this year!

To add to our stress levels we had a visit from the KC Field Officer, the first time for many years but I am pleased to say that we passed with flying colours, in part thanks to our CS Sandra Cobbold, is there a better CS in this game? I doubt it. Thanks so much Sandra, you keep us all calm and help the days to go so smoothly.

Thank you to all of our judging teams, we did have some changes to the original schedule but replacements were well received but special thanks to Vince Winyard who I pressed ganged in to stewarding for Jan Cor when Lesley Taylor had to take her poorly dog to the emergency vet, I hope that Cole is ok now. Also to our ticket judges, Anne Northfield & Shirley Clowes who were down to judge before Covid shut everything down. I am sorry that it rained so much as I expect your original date was fine and dry! Congratulations to our CC winners, Suzy Tooley & Brill & Karen Harrison & Evie on gaining your passports to Crufts.

Congratulations to all the class winners and I am pleased that you all seemed to like our new rosettes which are made by Legacy Rosettes with the trophies donated by Pet Needs. The CC winners almost missed out on their ‘prize’ of champagne as we had a visit from two women who have been living in the woods around the grounds, they sneaked in to our storage room and made off with the bottles. Thanks to Shelley, who went out to source replacements.

Karen Smith and friends ran the training ring and made a magnificent £140. 30 over the two days, this was handed over GSD Elite Rescue who had a good weekend with their tombola and other bits.

Only one moan, Katrina Arnold & Carol Stewart both picked up fresh poos, Carol from right outside the club house entrance – seriously, did these owners really not know? Thank you both.

See you all, hopefully, next year.

Eileen Restell

Show report – Somerset Obedience Society

Another year over at SOS Shows.

I must firstly thank Kay Allen and her great team for letting us piggy back their fabulous shows at SWCOG, without them l really doubt that SOS could manage. Thank you all for your help,.

It all came about after joking with Kay several years ago and that was it.

Thank you Jason Bath & Claire Bath for all of your valuable help in getting the shows up and running, much appreciated. Also Carl & Diane Thorne, Sue Aldridge, Michelle Verrill Lynne Webster, Di Fairfield, Sue Walker for turning out and offering her services for free (brushed the cobwebs off and stewarded one day, scoreboarder the other, plus help with other jobs) My other son Matthew, who’s help was very much appreciated, a grand job done.

To anyone & everyone that helped in any way, shape or form, a great big thank you. Judges, Stewards, Scoreboarders, setters up & takers down and anyone in between ~ thank you.

Hope to see you all again next year, and if anyone can offer their services for setting up, taking down or an odd job somewhere, it’ll be gratefully received.

Hope that l haven’t missed anyone out, if so, my apologies and thank you too 😉

Happy dogs, happy shows everyone 🐾

Carol Bath