Show Secretary’s Report – Lune Valley

Just to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who again made our show a great success.

We decided this year we could not face putting up the Secretary’s marque again, especially after the weather last year! It was suggested at committee I just put a table outside my motorhome!! However, all agreed that we would hire one along with the judge’s tent and what a difference that made, we all felt quite relaxed. We also organised a ‘Buddy’ system this year to allow certain people to have a break and that also worked well.

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Show Secretary’s Report – Hatchford Brook

As another Hatchford Brook Show draws to an end with just a few caravans to go this morning I’d like to thank everyone who made this weekend a success. Even the weather pulled out all the stops to give us virtually wall to wall sunshine.

First of all a big thank you to all the judges, stewards, Marcia and her stay team and chief stewards John Ball and Jane Barstow. Without you all we wouldn’t have a show. Also thank you to the decoy stewards and table stewards for all your help.

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Show Secretary’s Report – North West Kent

Well we have had some scorchers in the past but I think that the weekend exceeded anything that we have had before but somehow we got through it without a hitch.

Our thank yous will be like the Oscars as there are so many people that we just can’t do without, from set up to break down and the days in between.

During the week of the show we discovered that we had less room available for campers due to the rugby club having recently being upgraded to a higher league which meant that no vehicles were allowed on the second pitch.

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Coventry Open Show – Show Secretary Report

Firstly I would like to acknowledge Jane Webb, all at CDTC wish you a speedy recovery and we are happy to hear you are up on your feet.

This year due to the NABBTS “situation” we worked hard to ensure that competitors had options and extended our closing date. We also hosted MBCC tickets to ensure these did not get missed, thank you to Sheilagh for working so closely with us to ensure this went seamlessly.

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Show secretary’s report – Spalding & District

Another Show over and it can be described in many words but the one that springs to mind is – HOT. Luckily our venue is lined with big, aged trees so there was plenty of room to park in the shade.

Thanks must go to Val and our very small committee for rallying around and doing the catering for Judges & Helpers; another success and the sausage pie went down a storm! We had a slight hitch with the competitor catering when we found out (at 9.30) that they couldn’t supply any drinks….. In true ‘Spalding style’ and thanks to a mercy dash to the co-op for emergency supplies of tea, coffee, water etc I think everyone kept hydrated.

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Show secretary’s report – ANDOVER & DISTRICT


This being our 50th Anniversary, there was wall to wall sunshine for our special day and this lasted all day.

My thanks go to all the judges, stewards and scoreboard stewards for giving up their day as without you there would be no show. Thanks also to the decoys stewards. For some this was their first experience and took the job in their stride. You may well be called upon again. Also thankyou to all the competitors for parking where directed, competing in a friendly manner and for the lovely comments made about the show.

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Show secretary’s report – Ramsey

Well, where to begin… I feel like I’m about to embark on a speech celebs do when they win an Oscar… This year was Ramsey DTC first ever double obedience show and I think, if I do say so myself, that the event went off well with all dogs and competitors enjoying themselves!

The weather was extremely kind to us over both weekends and the dogs coped well, the show ground was armed with paddling pools, buckets and hoses so our four legged, fur wearing companions didn’t struggle. It was great to see new faces at our show and to see so many who had made the effort to come across.

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Show secretary’s report – Winchester City

Thank you

Well it was certainly hot! We must say a huge thank you to all judges, stewards, club members and helpers who worked to make the show run so smoothly. A number of competitors elected not to attend but those who did hopefully had an enjoyable day. We did our best to ensure the dogs were kept as comfortable as possible, making as much use of the shade as we could. Especially for stays.

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Show secretary’s report – East Anglian 5 of Clubs

I don’t know where to start!!!!

As a few of you know, we ran our first open obedience show, at Plaintation Park, on Saturday 30th June and Sunday 1st July, and I’m still on cloud nine, about the whole experience.

It has been a year in the planning, and worth every minute.
So I would just like to say a few thanks ( without sounding like an oscars speak lol)

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Show secretary’s report – Cheshire Dog Training Association

On behalf of Cheshire Dog Training Association, I would like to thank all those generous people who gave up their time to judge, steward or decoy at our double weekend Show and to all our competitors over the two days.

This was the first year of not only having our Show in June/July instead of June and October, but also holding a double weekend at a new Venue – and what a success it turned out to be with over 100 campers booked in.

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