Judge: Michelle Newman
Firstly I would like to thank the Kennel Club for the opportunity to judge the Obreedience finals, and for the engraved vase given to me. Thanks also to Kate for making sure we had everything we needed before the show, and to Richard Kebble for being on hand from the Wednesday to help if needed.
As with all judging appointments, it is only possible to do so with a team by your side, and in this case it needed another 4 members! I am truly grateful to you all for giving up your time to come outfit shopping, practice the round before hand, and to all of you for arriving at the NEC on the Wednesday for the run through. Half the team are self-employed, so I really do appreciate that it was not just your time you gave up so freely. My team were Paul Cook (steward), Elaine New (scribe), Mandy Winborne (collecting ring) and Caroline Hall (collecting ring and make-up artiste!!). Together they brought brilliant sense of humours, lots of laughs, lots of help and ultimately made my job so much easier. Thank you!