Obedience Championship Scene 2013 – part 3

By: Susan & Gemma Henshaw

As the evenings are drawing in its getting very close to the end of the Obedience shows for this year so time for another catch up on who’s been winning their ticket to Crufts 2014.

Sunday 14 July and the host show for today was Winchester DTC, looking through some of the judging reports it is described as a show that treats judges like royalty, has a relaxed atmosphere with good sized rings for the competitors and is run like a well oiled machine. Stella Henstridge was judging the Bitch ticket today and her top spot went to Mary Ray and ‘Ob.Ch. Red Hot Foxy Music’ who ‘showed first class heelwork and confident set exercises’. Dog ticket judge Sandy Wadhams awarded her first place to Bev Hughes with her lovely boy ‘Ob Ch Gwynfair Bear Necessities’, who gave a round of total commitment with flowing heelwork and completely faultless set’s.

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Obedience Championship Scene 2013 – part 2

By: Susan & Gemma Henshaw

So it’s catch up time again and on 1st June we saw handlers travelling across the sea to Northern Ireland for the two day show held by Lisburn & District DTC, described by various judges and competitors as a dog show venue with a lovely relaxed atmosphere. Judge Dave Howell awarding his top spot in the dog ticket to Linda Rutherford and her stunning ‘Sixela Rumr Has It’ – first ticket win for this pairing and a great future seems to be in store for this youngster. Making it rather a good weekend Linda also took the top prize in bitch ticket with ‘Ob Ch Colliewood Confidential’ under judge Sue Howell.

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Obedience Championship Scene 2013

By: Susan & Gemma Henshaw

A series of articles on what’s been happening in the Championship Classes this year – this article covers March to May

This years Championship season should have kicked off with the Midlands Border Collie Club’s show on March 30, but this year the weather decided to coat many parts of the country with snow, with many areas suffering a complete ‘white out’.

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Elegance, style, verve, drive, flair, accuracy, panache, fast, sharp, power, speed, teamwork, precision….

By: Kamal Fernandez

Not words normally associated with Competitive Obedience, but all very much applicable. The ministry of funny walks, the boring poor relation to other canine activity, the serious sport! Nothing could be further from the truth when talking about the true essence of a sport that is fun, enthralling and inspiring!

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