Show Secretary’s Report – Loughborough

Loughborough Shows.

A big thank you to all our judges and stewards who gave their day up so you could work your dogs, without people like them there would be no shows for any of us.

Thank you to everyone who helped in some way shape or form, Tony, Delia, Jill Jacki, Cheryl, Diane, Sam and Denise not forgetting Sam’s partner and Cheryl’s hubby and son who helped taking everything down after the show.

Thank you to Lyn and Mick Tozer who helped setting up, Anthony Snook first aider for the weekend, Julie and Neill doing the car parking both days and help with scent decoy etc.

Thank you to Bev on the scoreboards both days and a big thank you to Janet Beverley for all the help she gaves us both days, it was most welcome.

Don’t think I have forgotten anyone but if I have thank you as well.

The show went very well both days Saturday morning we had a cool breeze but it did warm up later in the day but one consolation at least it was dry all weekend.

Thank you to all competitors for clearing up, after walking the bottom field no rubbish at all was left or any dog waste either so thank you.

We didn’t have such a big turn out this year for the quiz but I think those that went enjoyed it, you donated very generously towards Lou Jackson’s charity which ended up with just over £400 I am sure the rescue place will be pleased with the money.

If anyone would like to judge for us next year please contact me and those that did this year I hope you enjoyed the bottle of wine.

Nearly forgot the surprise get together Sheilagh Hyde organised for Bill Pykett’s birthday on the eigth of June who will be 80 and still judging, well done Bill and I hope you enjoy your special day. I had to jiggle his lunch time to fit it in but it all worked out in the end, I think Bill was lost for words for once he was quite surprised.

Thank you all once again now to start on next years show.

Ruth Lewis

Show secretary’s report – Chesvale


After having missed two May shows due to covid it was a surprise we could remember all we had to do! However, the Chesvale Team worked like a well-oiled, if not slightly creakier, machine.

We were extremely lucky to have YuMove sponsor our show again this year. They were extremely generous in not only sponsoring the rosettes, prize cards and trophies for this show but also for our August show. They also provided the most fantastic gifts of their products for the 1st, 2nd,and 3rd placings in every class. Everyone arriving at the show was also given a ‘Chesvale 30’ discount voucher code to get 30% off their orders. This discount is ongoing to use whenever required. We cannot thank them enough for their support and I am sure the recipients were impressed with their generosity.

From arriving on Saturday afternoon, armed with grass blowers and mowers to ensure all the rings were clear of any lose grass clippings, setting up the rings and turning up early on Sunday morning to assist with ‘tent erection’ and generally working like little beavers all day to make such a wonderful day for everyone. Not only our members but also husbands mucked in with whatever needed doing. The ladies in the kitchen, Gail, Pauline, Lynne and Stephanie, yet again supplied a fantastic spread for the judges and helpers at lunchtime and the second team, Jo and Sally, came in to serve the afternoon teas and lovely homemade cakes.

The judges were again brilliant this year with all but one of them suppling their own ring steward so only had to find a couple of people who could do sums and colouring in for the scoreboards. I can’t tell you how much help it is not to have to find loads of ring stewards!

With no stay ring to accommodate we altered our layout this year which allowed for a much larger car parking area and leaving plenty of room for the dogs to have a run around.

The two training rings were manned by Donna Bastin and Sue Monk with Chrissie Skelly and Hazell Williamson running the list of people waiting to have a go. They worked so hard all-day helping people practice and raised £140.00 which will be donated to The Red Cross Ukraine Appeal. I know everyone appreciates the opportunity to train in a show environment under two experienced handlers, so many thanks go to the team for their time and support.

The tombola was run by the Mc Shane family! The tombola made a fantastic £110.00 and this will also go to the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal

I can’t thank all our members individually in this post as there were over 30 of them! However, I must mention Clare Williams, our Show Secretary, without whom the show could not operate. The rest of our members know how grateful I am for their help and support.

Finally, to all the competitors who attended – we hope you had an enjoyable day and thank you for all the lovely comments and expressions of thanks for putting on a show. A little thanks goes a long way.

Our next show is on Sunday 28th August, pre-beginner, beginner and novice only, so look out for the schedule which will be available shortly. Also put next year’s May show date in your diary, Sunday 7th May 2023.

Show Manager

Rugby Show Secretary’s “Thank you’s”

Apart from the weather ?

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped Rugby Champ show on the 1st May go ahead & run smoothly.Roy & Shelagh Page,Kath Hood & Peter Height. For measuring the rings out with us.

Kathy helping before & at the show with anything she could & Peter for stewarding C & taking over the camping.

Brian Luckock for stepping into Daves shoes as Chief Steward.Sheilagh Hyde for offers of help & arranging the Frying Squad competitors catering.

Sharon & Lorraine from Ashlawn Rugby Club for providing the judges Yummy lunches.

Paul & Richard for judges & member’s breakfasts & judges drinks & thank you’s lunchtime.

Sheila Huntley for her waitressing through the lunchtimes

Teresa Paterson for her fab work on our show printing.

Judges & Stewards for giving their day up for us.

& finally all our club members & their family who worked their socks off setting the show up on the Saturday & making sure all went smoothly on Sunday until the very end.

Congratulations to our Ticket winners & making their dogs into Champions Jenny Gould & TaoPhil Barnes & Scarlett

My apologies if I have missed anyone at this trying time.

Mary Ray
show sec xx


A team of Manchester Terriers won the Obreedience competition at the world’s biggest dog event, Crufts, on Thursday 10 March.

The Manchester Terriers team, named Manchester Reunited, proved themselves more obedient than the seven other breed teams that made it to the final at Crufts in Birmingham. The other finalists were as follows:

Cool Cockers – Cocker Spaniels

The Wagtails – Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Golden Acorns – Golden Retrievers

The Labrapaws – Labradors

Paw Patrol – German Shepherd Dogs

The Russellers – Jack Russell Terriers

Pot Noodles – Standard Poodles

Obreedience, an exciting team obedience competition, was introduced at Crufts 2014 as a special display event. Now in its seventh year as an official competition, obreedience continues to grow and entertain the crowds that come along to support their favourite breeds.

The winning team members were:

Ann Harrison with Sophie (Sophyla’s Sophie) from Congleton

Brenda Harrison with Sadie (Larkswing Belle Star at Rosadyva) from Northampton

Chris Harrison with Teal (Magpiebank Teal) from Congleton

Lavinia Paxton with Donald (Lake Sunset) from Hinckley

And the reserve team members were:

Jean Walker with Briar (Ch Talanors Treat Me Good at Sizlin) from Hinckley

Lesley Olbinson with Grace (Rattustrap Citra At Carapast) from Manchester

Team captain Jean Walker commented on the win: “The heats, which are held throughout the year, are great fun to take part in, and very competitive.

“I would like to thank the team for their continued enthusiasm both in the heats and the final, including my very able and uncomplaining co-reserve. I also wish to thank the judge and stewards, and everyone else who contributed to such a wonderful day.”

Vanessa McAlpine, Crufts Show Manager, said: “Congratulations to all the Manchester Reunited team on a highly deserving win. The team were a fantastic example of highly trained, obedient dogs and the bond between each dog and their owner, as well as within the team, was incredibly heart-warming to see.

“The obreedience competition is a brilliant way to show off the fact that any breed, given the right training and socialisation, and of course patience from their human counterparts, can do well in competitive obedience. We look forward to seeing which breeds excel in obreedience at the heats being held throughout 2022.”

Each obreedience team comprised of four handlers and dogs, who took part in two rounds.  The first was a heelwork round completed as a group, with the dogs being assessed on their ability to complete different moves whilst remaining synchronised with their teammates. The second round featured four set exercises and each member needed to successfully complete one of the four different exercises. Points were deducted for any faults and the team with the most points won. The exercises were a retrieve (handler’s own article), a send to bed, stop the dog, and scent over articles.

Further details about obreedience is available at

Crufts took place from 10 – 13 March at the NEC, Birmingham. For more information and results from the show, please visit

Keeping Obedience Afloat

People say ‘leave it alone’, ‘keep it the same’, ‘don’t touch our obedience’, but actually, nothing ever stays the same – it can’t because life changes.

Things that don’t evolve, become extinct. That’s life.

Obedience hasn’t stayed the same over time – exercises have come and gone, classes have come, gone and come back again, shows have come and gone too – and occasionally some of those have also come back again, the way in which we train has changed, the style of work too and the degree of accuracy that we expect from our competing teams. The competitive spirit is very different than it used to be – often you hear people say that competitors take it too seriously these days – those who talk fondly of the good old days where there was banter and heckling and playing tricks and sometimes a bit too much alcohol at lunchtime. Dog training was a hobby, to enjoy with friends with competing teams coming from voluntarily run clubs – there was no business involved, no professional dog trainers and risk assessment and risk management didn’t exist. There was also little/no competition from other dog related sports, to attract the dog enthusiasts to do more that just own a dog.

We are in a position now though where we are an ageing obedience population, and we are losing people from the older end of that cohort, and not replacing them as quickly at the younger end – competitors and judges alike. Long running shows are folding. Secretaries report increasing difficulty in recruiting judges, in order to schedule the full spectrum of classes. Pre Beginner and Beginner entries, are generally low – with the occasional celebration of larger classes. Increasingly shows are merging Dog and B••••h classes as it logistically makes sense. Ticket classes are small, admittedly not helped by Covid, but well before that, the days of 60 entries and a reserve list were long gone.

This does not mirror what is happening in newer dog related sports such as Scentwork, Mantrailing and Hoopers – all of which are growing quickly.

If we don’t continue to evolve in some way, Obedience will become extinct. Unfortunately. Sadly. That’s life.

The world changing is the biggest threat to Obedience – not the KC, not the OLC, not BCOS and not those that are brave enough to make suggestions as to how we can ensure Obedience swims instead of sinks.

I get that people don’t want Obedience to change – those of us in it are hooked, we love it as it is ….but we have got to be realistic about what’s happening and do something about it. If we always do, what we’ve always done, we will always get, what we always got – ie a declining sport, however passionate those of us that are in it, are. Instead of defensively fighting off the suggestions of others, come up with solutions – and not just ‘why don’t the kC…’, but really positive, practical, small steps that we could take together that would keep Obedience afloat, without compromising what we all love.

Dawn Cox

Because we love Obedience

I am writing this as the Chair of the Obedience Liaison Council and also with a very personal view. The following two sayings are well known and have certainly been used on many occasions before this; however I’m going to quote them again;

‘I have a dream’
‘If you build it they will come’

As someone who loves dogs and dog sports and has competed in obedience since 1970, I joined the original Belfast DTC in 1969 then joined Lisburn & District DTC in 1979 when I moved to Lisburn. I have also been competing in Agility since the early 1980’s, I’ve been the Northern Ireland Obedience Rep for some 36 years. I have watched reps come and go – some good for our sport some not so much.

I think most of us who compete, judge, steward, help out at clubs/show and who organise shows are very aware that our beloved sport is at a crossroads.

Geographically our sport has been divided most noticeably during the great stay debate – do they stay or do they go. The outcome did not please everyone and it saddens me to read some of the comments on Social Media for those who made it about winning and losing. The facts are that the decision has been made and we must move on for the good of our chosen sport.

A few of us have gotten together to discuss how we could help motivate people to take our sport forward. Myself, Carole Patrick, Debra Lavender, Kathy Russell, Bev Smith and the KC’s very own Heidi Lawrence having been having online calls to discuss what we could do to help move things forward in obedience. We started by making comparisons with another fabulous dog sport Agility; concentrating on the excellent and very popular KC International Agility Festival also the numerous agility finals that are hosted at Crufts, Olympia, Dogs In Need, Scottish Dog of the Year, Irish Agility Dog of the Year and all the qualifying heats that go hand in hand to reach the finals.

As a group we are excited in hoping/thinking that have an Obedience Festival could be the start of something big on the obedience calendar. Looking forward to 2023 starting small (just like the KC Agility Festival did) with a two day event hoping that going forward it could be a three day event or perhaps even a four day festival. Maybe even an International Obedience Festival. Running some classes that would perhaps tempt over our fellow competitors from the continent – the way the Crufts World Cup did.
Currently we are looking to source venues to get costs in order for us to complete a Business Case as to how we can finance this venture. We are aware that the KC are not in a position to help fund this so we really need to attract some sponsors and using the KC name may indeed open some doors in that department.

What we are looking for from the obedience fraternity is some buy in, volunteers, ideas and also gauge interest in the idea.

So my ask is – if any of you out there think you could help/advise. If you have any expertise in running events (doesn’t have to be a dog show) and think you could help.
May I ask that you contact your Area Representative giving your name and details of any help you would be prepared to give.

We also discussed running qualifiers for a possible Dog Of The Year in Beginners – C. With qualifiers being held at Open/Championship shows throughout 2022 and all qualifiers going forward to the final at the KC Obedience Festival. Also we would look at applying to gain Championship Status for at least one day also Home International Competition for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We are of course open to all reasonable ideas and all help will be gladly received.

I know we can do this and it will help bring us all together and the bonus is we get a brilliant new event to go to with our wonderful dogs.


Michael McCartney

Sunday Morning Ramblings

I have been in the sport for 30+ years and I honestly think that the major issue that is affecting Obedience today is not the actual exercises but the fact that the “grassroots” of our sport has been trimmed so close to the earth that it is struggling to grow. By this I mean IF people really want Obedience to survive then there is only one cure, TEACH.

I don’t mean teach people that are already in Obedience I mean teach people that have no idea what Obedience is, bring new people into the sport. I also don’t mean teaching the KC good citizens, I mean teach the obedience exercises. I don’t just mean the best trainers in the country either, I mean EVERYONE, even people in Beginners and Novice, If you have trained a dog to that standard then you can teach someone else to do it.

Continue reading “Sunday Morning Ramblings”

Show secretary’s report – Elm Park Championship Show

What a weekend! We had the fuel problems, the A13 was closed for roadworks, making the traffic worse than normal. If that wasn’t enough the weather threw everything at us, sunshine, torrential rain, wind and what seemed to be a mini tornado. To top it all, our suppliers of the toilets did not finish delivering the toilets until about 7.00 ish as their wagon’s engine blew up and they had to use a car and trailer to deliver 2 toilets at a time. Despite all of this, it was a great show.

Thanks to everyone who turned up on Friday to help Ian and I with the rings, signs, tables, chairs and unloading everything. John and Kath Westell, Rod and Liz White, Sue Starr, Dave Gillet, Jan Witham, Julia Tuck, Kim Ford, Julie Enright, Paula Kenny, Les Tolliday, Mick and Lyn Johnson and Colin Sutton, many hands make light work.

Continue reading “Show secretary’s report – Elm Park Championship Show”

Show secretary’s report – East Kilbride Championship Show

East Kilbride Championship Show on 5th September 2021

This was the first of a Scottish Triple of Championship Shows in 2 weekends & it both started & ended the contribution to the show calendar for our part of the world.

We were given the chance of running a ‘no frills’ show after a relaxation of the COVID-19 restrictions, and we grabbed it with very little time to spare.

Continue reading “Show secretary’s report – East Kilbride Championship Show”

Competitor’s Report – Great Baddow

I had a lovely, lovely day today at the Great Baddow Dog Training Club’s Obedience Show.

The day was fine and dawned with a misty haze which, as the day progressed, gave way to bright sunshine and heat.

A 53-mile trip for me, the M25 was kind and I sailed along and through the Dartford Tunnel with no waiting at all. A pleasant and trouble-free drive, with no issues locating the show itself which was both well signed and staffed at the entrance. We were quickly and efficiently parked up on the sloping grass behind the show ground and greeted by a board showing the class lists and ring lay out. This open, public park lends itself well to dog shows and there was ample space for the rings, sauntering around, and dog exercising – some of it punctuated by local dog walkers and people and children out for a stroll or to use the park facilities. From my perspective, we rubbed along very nicely – even the errant pet poodle who wandered up to say hello was friendly and eventually captured. I heard tell that a spaniel shot through a higher-class ring, but that could be apocryphal although it is not unlikely!

Continue reading “Competitor’s Report – Great Baddow”