Show secretary’s report – Lune Valley

Lune Valley DTC – Winter Show 25th January 2020

Just to say a big thank you to everyone who made our Winter Show another success.

To all our Judges and Stewards, you know what a ‘rare breed’ you are and how difficult it is to find you! So thank you to you all for allowing another show to go ahead.

Thank you to Pat Wilson for an excellent job as Chief Stay Steward, thank you to all our stay steward volunteers, your help is much appreciated.

To all our competitors who seemed to be a happy bunch with no complaints, well done to all our winners, good luck to you all for the season to come.

Last, but by no means least, thank you to our small band of Lune Valley members who set up, take down and do all the jobs in-between, mostly with a smile on their faces!

Hope to see you all at our Summer Show 1/2/3rd August 2020.

Lesley Alsop
Show Secretary

Show secretary’s report – Reedyford

Reedyford DTC Show Saturday 30th November 2019

Can I first thank all of the committee for putting in the amount of work needed to put on this show, their really are just a handful of us ,Brenda Holden our acting Chief Steward, Elaine Hargreaves our Chief Stay Steward along with Susan,Wendy,Judith, (stay Stewards) , Lynne& Judith serving the Judges & Stewards their meals in the Cafeteria, also Ian Hargreaves, Audrey Wilkinson, Steve Rutter and Rachel Millington who were all there to help at the crack of dawn on a very cold and frosty morning with setting up the rings and anything else that needs doing early on show day, the help was very much appreciated as it always is but even more so today as we were 3 members down due to ill health

A MASSIVE Northern THANKYOU to all the Judges and Stewards for giving up their day to judge for us at Croft Top Equestrian Centre, with some of you traveling quite a distance to do so, without you all we wouldn’t have a show to put on, hope you all enjoyed your day and our hospitality,

It really does go without saying THANKYOU to all the competitors who entered and joined us on the day a very cold and frosty day at that, think I heard someone say it was -4 at 7.30am, I don’t think it got above freezing the entire day.

I saw some very happy faces walking past carrying their Trophies, Rosettes & Prize Cards, well done all of you.

The food in the cafeteria was excellent and the staff brilliant all day , and as a bonus the cafeteria overlooks both the main arena where all the rings were and also looks over the smaller arena where the large stay ring was, so you could if you wanted to sit in the warm and just watch,.

Hope you all had safe and uneventful journeys home with your precious 4 legged friends ,

If you won a ribbon or not your dogs are all so very precious and should never be taken for granted they can be gone in a heartbeat, cherish every moment with them at your side .

The staff at Croft Top again pass on what a pleasure it is to have so many well behaved dogs at our show and asked me to pass on their compliments.

All of us at Reedyford DTC look forward to see you all at our next show on Saturday the 29th February 2020.

Kym Pearson

Show secretary’s report – Wigton


I would just like to express my sincere thanks to club members, friends and relations for the effort they put in at our Winter show to ensure, what I thought, it proved a great success.

We had one of the biggest entries we have had for a while at this show and so in this regard have to thank all judges and stewards, especially Neil Walton who agreed to judge B part 2 and Jackie Muir who took on Julie Rowlands’ ‘C’ when Mario took ill – we sincerely hope he is making progress Julie – you were in all our thoughts. A new pairing in charge of the stay ring as we had to use the usual culprits as ring stewards so Gary – got yourself a job!!!

Thank you to all who helped in the stay ring and in the secretary’s department and of course our catering staff upstairs. You are all stars, thank you so much.

To add the icing to the cake, our members won Pre-Beginners, Beginners and ‘B’ as well as other placings so well done Sophie and Fly, Tricia and Gale, Henri and Millie on your wins. Onwards and upwards.

There didn’t appear to be much waiting around for dogs to work so a lovely early finish meant competitors getting home before the cold struck (and in good time for Strictly!!)

I only have one item of lost property, a purple rubber ring attached to a purple, pink and white tuggie – if the owner gets in touch (either e-mail or phone (01697342656) I will arrange to get it back to them. Out of interest, I still have a grey Primark zipped jersey jacket from the August show if anybody has mislaid it – it was found in the marquee at the end of the weekend.

Our next “event” – Bank Holiday weekend 29th (Championship) and 30th August (Open) 2020 at Dalemain – hope to see you there!

PAT WILSON (Secretary)

Show Secretary’s Report – Anglian Acorn Obedience Group

Well as we say goodbye to our 2nd Show, the weather is finally improving. I have finally dried out and am now busy washing dog towels and bedding.

Firstly I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for all of the entries we received, without which there would be no shows.

The weather this year was pretty much the same as last year, horrendous!

A massive thank you to all of our chief stewards, judges, stewards, stay stewards and scent decoys especially those who did these roles in the pouring rain on Sunday.

Our venue is wonderful and despite natures best intention to ruin our weekend, only two motorhomes got stuck. These were pulled off by the groundsman and our caterer.

I apologise for the less than perfect lunch for our helpers, this was beyond my control. Thank you for your acceptance that lunch wouldn’t be the full hog roast as promised, and for accepting the alternative.

We hire our venue from Thursday until Monday which allows us to have a relaxed approach to setting up and taking down. Jacky Roddick thank you for your expertise in marking out camping pitches and erecting rings. My OCD is finally back on track and things are lining up again!

We are a small team of obedience enthusiasts who decided to “put something back” into our sport. We could not do this without additional help and my biggest thank you goes to my sister Lucy and her partner Kay who worked with me from Thursday lunch time until Monday afternoon. They do not compete in obedience and offer their help to support me in this venture. Thanks go to Vince Winyard and Kathy Woodgreaves, Chief Stay Stewards for the weekend, you were amazing. Teresa Patterson for manning our gate on Thursday and Friday. Stay stewarding on Saturday and Stewarding C on Sunday. You give so much to obedience, thank you ? Richard Nichols who gave up his time to help with parking on the Saturday and stewarded on the Sunday. Richard you are a star??
Yvonne Percy who came both days just to stay steward, thank you.
Lynn Farrington and Neil Ticehurst the help you gave over the weekend made all the difference.
Lesley Taylor who helped on the gate on Sunday in the pouring rain, thank you.

The whole team worked hard over the weekend and I know we were all tired and aching by the end of Sunday. Huge thanks to Sylvia Allebone for being our Chief Steward for the weekend.
Kate, Jacky, Val, Viv, Rose, Suzy thank you for all you did prior to, during and after the show. Additional thanks to Tracy Allebone and Vicky Main, Julie Martin and Linda Hewitson for your help.

We hope you enjoyed the shows and that you loved our venue. We are looking at a new date for 2020 and subject to KC approval this will be the 15th and 16th of August. The weather we have experienced for the last 2 yeard has beaten us so fingers crossed August will be kinder.

Judges are required for all classes, so please help to keep this show running by offering to help in some way

Good Luck for the rest of the year

Christine Bowles

Show secretary’s report – Elm Park

Another successful ElmRock weekend over for another year. We were so lucky with the weather, dry on Saturday and not too bad on Sunday, we didn’t get the terrible rain as forecast.

The weekend started at 10.00 on Friday morning when both clubs gathered their forces to start setting up the rings. A big thank you to Dave Gillet who comes over every year to help with the rings. Thank you to Teresa and Linda for manning the gate while the show construction was taking place. The fish and chips went down well at lunchtime. I think the whole show was set up by around 4.00.

Thank you to Les Willis for taking over gate duties late evening and early o’clock on Saturday and Sunday – greatly appreciated thanks. To Shaun and Malcolm for keeping an eye on the gate during the day on Saturday and Sunday. To the Elm Park members and the Thurrock team who helped during the weekend. To our judges and stewards for giving up their day – hope you enjoyed it. Also to the score board stewards for keeping the scores in order. To Colin and his stay team thank you. To Richard Kebble our Chief Steward once again, hope you’re ok for next year.

Once again Smiffys did a fab buffet lunch.

Congratulations to our two ticket winners Lorna Hilton and Halligalli Take a Bow and Kathy Russell and Ob Ch Ruskath Mokana Image and all the other successful competitors.

I hope I have not forgotten anyone.

Can’t wait to do it all again next year lol!

Julie Appleton

Show Secretary’s Report – Birmingham & District GSD Assoc. Shows 14th & 15th Sept

Another year over, all equipment and stationary packed away, except judges’ contract for next year.

This year was our 70 years anniversary, so every judge and steward received a small gift from the Association. Thanks to everyone who attended our show. It was a great success, no problems and the weather was superb for the time of the year.

Special thanks to all our judges and stewards and the numerous helpers who started on the Tuesday before the show marking out the rings, wardens in the paddocks, gate stewards, stay stewards, decoy stewards, people who helped set up the show, man the refreshment tent and dismantle on Sunday. There are too many to name but you all know who you are, without you these shows could not be run, you are all invaluable and reside all over Great Britain and meet up in the midlands for a weeks holiday.

Special thanks must go to Bryan Luckock who is our Chief Steward for both days and Marcia and Andy for being Chief stay Stewards.

It was the first time I had stayed on site for the duration of both weekends. I now know why so many people stay, before dusk on the Sunday night there were 14 rings erected for training throughout the week. With brilliant weather, everyone was willing to help anyone who wanted to work through a problem and people moved from ring to ring. It was a wonderful atmosphere.

I understand some judges were disappointed with the fact we only put a class list in the judges envelope instead of a full catalogue. We were thinking of the environment and trying to cut down on waste. Out of 593 competitors 219 witheld their address (37%) so the full catalogue gave very little extra details. Next year I will ask judges if they would like a full catalogue to rectify this mistake. (I am prepared to learn and take your comments on board).

With regards to running orders, it is impossible to please everyone. At present there is a discussion taking place on facebook, hopefully a solution will be found.

Enjoy the remainder of the showing season and hopefully see you all next year.

Kathy Hood (Secretary)

Show secretary’s report – Wigton

Well it happened! Having seen the state of the venue at the beginning of the week following a vintage car rally the previous day and a week of pretty incessant rain, I had serious doubts but a herculean effort by a number of people ensured we had a workable (not brilliant but workable) venue on which to stage our 50th anniversary show.

Special thanks has to go to Carol Birks and Roger Beasley who came equipped with ride on mowers to try and put some order into the ring area – Carol in fact came on three days to ensure things were as good as they could be!

Our own members managed to find sufficient decent area for the rings and it eventually stopped raining on the Friday to reveal glorious HOT conditions over the entire weekend.

As it was a special show, our 50th Anniversary, Jackie Reid (she of the exceptional catering skills) not only supplied fabulous meals for the judges but also a cream scone and cake tea for anyone who cared to participate on the Saturday following completion of judging together with a lovely cake courtesy of Angela Bragg.

My grateful thanks to everyone, Club members, friends, judges, stewards, handlers et al for helping to make this a weekend to remember – I hope the two dogs which took ill, Doreen’s GSD and Eileen’s Collie together with Audrey’s Collie (who took an instant dislike to the balloon flying overhead) all recover fully in due course.

Neil Walton kindly took over as Chief Stay Steward owing to Ken Lewin’s incapacity on the Sunday – many thanks Neil. Ruth Griffith, as always, came down from Annan on the Saturday and is now known as Ruthless Ruth on that day to officiate in the self same ring.

The Lune Valley girls managed the caravan booking in for the entire weekend which was much appreciated. Our appreciation also to the owners of Dalemain for allowing us the use of their event field in the most beautiful location.

We had the usual tombola, raffles, cake stall, toy stall, and various other stalls to tempt our handlers – I can’t name individuals as am bound to forget somebody but you were all appreciated as were Jackie’s catering corps.

Congratulations to all our winners but especially Kathy Russell and Raitin the winners of the Dog Ticket and Phil Barnes and Floozie taking the honours in the Bitch class.

We organise the show for all our handlers’ benefit but they make the atmosphere so thank you all. We hope you will come and see us at Dalemain again next year, 29th and 30th August 2020 or even our Winter show at Greenlands Equestrian Centre, Carlisle on 16th November later this year.

PAT WILSON – Show Secretary

Show secretary’s report – Kilmarnock

Kilmarnock DTC Open Show
Saturday 31st August

Well it was a close call, so much rain on the Friday & Saturday morning we were ready to cancel ? , however we made it ? there was a couple of heavy showers throughout the morning but the sun made an appearance as well , thankfully.

We travelled to Eglinton Country Park this year ,lovely venue for the dogs & walks ? , fingers crossed we can return again in 2020 when the sun WILL be booked and we hope to see you all back.

A few thank you’s now & I hope I don’t forget anyone.

All committee members , setting up at 7am in torrential rain & all day support ??

To all the judges & their stewards for giving up there day to allow us to have the show ??

Drew McCulloch & his stay team , great job ??

Club members for support & raffle prize donations & Sharon made sure no one escaped the buying of tickets lol ??

Kirsten Cowling for her removal truck of equipment & day support ??
Alison & her husband ( sorry forgot his name , Joan Ingram ?? ) ??

George Fry for aiding Jan with the car parking ??

Homebaking brigade of Doreen Fry , Marion Riddicks , Sarah Smith , ??
Tracey McMillan for preparing the judges lunch , fantastic food ??

And everyone else who helped in any small way ??

We wish you all the very best for the remainder of the season with your furry friends ,winning or not just enjoy them and look forward to seeing you next year Saturday 5th September 2020

Aileen & Committee Kilmarnock DTC

Show secretary’s report – East Kilbride

East Kilbride D.T.C. Champ Show
Sunday 1st of September

After the horrendous rain we had leading up to the weekend, what a relief that Sunday dawned dry & breezy! A short burst of drizzle midway through the morning was the worst we got – thankfully.

We are very fortunate that we can have access to the venue & it’s indoor facilities on the afternoon prior to the show, which saves us time & work early on the day – this is due to the cooperation of the staff at South Lanarkshire Leisure & Culture, and the ground staff at Brancumhall for which the Club is very grateful.

Thank you soooo much to all of our club members & also the members of Burnbank who turned out at 7.00 to help set up the rings & put up tents, and to all who helped steward Stays. I always think we are fortunate in Scotland to have such a strong support from other clubs and competitors to help make our Show Days go well.

Sheena and the kitchen ladies served up breakfast, lunch and cakes galore, as well as seeing that the judges were sent out fully nourished for the day!! Your hard work is always appreciated- Thank You xx

Sue and her ‘ladies in waiting’ provided lunch, which had all been prepared by Sue – and it was up to the usual high standard. Thank you all.
Thank you also of course to the judges and stewards who gave up their day competing to enable the show to go ahead.

Congratulations to all of our class winners – it’s fabulous to see the happy faces in the presentations.

Sadly we have had the last Show of the year here in Scotland – so set the date in your diary for next year – Sunday 6th of September.

Left at the Novice 1 ring were 2 dumbbells & we also have a blue knotted ball that was dropped on the bridge – just get in touch if you think they are yours. I will be at Stanhope.

Thank you for all the lovely comments made about the show- they are very much appreciated.

So another year has gone and hence the work starts again for next year! So happy to have the day off work to recover today – and for those who know me best, you’ll be happy to know that no manicure was harmed in the making of this show lol.

See you all around the shows.

Anne Marie & the committee of East Kilbride

Show secretary’s report – Lichfield

Thank you to everyone who came to Lichfield and District Dog Training Society’s 50th anniversary show this weekend.

The caterer letting us down at the last minute (literally 8.30pm on Wednesday night!!) was the start of a rollercoaster weekend!

Firstly a massive thank you to Jackie and Nyree from Hollywood Hotstuff , who came all the way from Wales to provide catering for the judges and competitors. They had just 24 hours notice and did an amazing job all round.

Tracey may have a career change by next year, as she is thinking of hitching a lift to Wales to continue her crash course in mobile catering!!

Thank you to everyone who entered, we hope you had a great weekend.

And a big thank you to all club members, as well as everyone who gave up their time to help in any part of the running of the show.

See you next year,

Bea and Tracey
(currently the most tired show secretaries in the UK!)

PS. We have decided to treat ourselves to a pub meal as we are too tired to cook anything (not that we have anything in to cook anyway!). I was definitely in the wrong lane at the roundabout on my road…. auto pilot to the show!B