Secretary’s report – Loughborough Shows

I would like to thank everyone concerned who helped to make our show run so smoothly, the judges and stewards, Marcia and all who helped in the stay ring, Bev Hughes and Betty Gibson for help setting up with the rings and Bev helping to book caravans in as well. Julia and Neil who come every year to help with the parking, then stay stewarding and finally decoy, Committee who set up the rings and were there helping with various jobs during the days, if I have missed anyone thank you, luckily the weather brightened up for us and it turned into a decent weekend weather wise once again, fingers crossed for next year.

We had a good night at the quiz again challenge is on to beat Rob Bint’s team next year they are on a winning streak.

We were not able to have a large skip to get rid of dog and caravan waste this year so had to approach the council for wheelie bins which were scattered around the show, on the lid it did say DOG WASTE ONLY so thank you to the few people who could not read and placed other rubbish in there which WE HAD TO FISH OUT – it was not a pleasant job believe me.

One more little gripe vehicles travelling to the back field, not all but some were driving at a dangerous speed, if a dog had of run out it could have been injured or possibly killed, what would you have said if it were your dog? Please think about this before next year and drive using common sense.

Anyway left at the show were one HI-Gear Jacket, one Ground Sheet with Black Bungee wrapped round it, one Red Stringed Dumbell, one Green Stringed Dumbell, one Furry Tuggy, one Red and Black Lead, one Plastic Tit Bit Bottle (did contain sausage), one Car Charger, one Black Plastic piece with pink stripes which has to be charged and finally one Scissor Chair still with label on, if any of these belong to you please contact me to arrange collection.

I have rosettes for the following people firstly the KC GCDS class 7th place N.Wakelin, 9th place B Stevens and 10th place L Pavitt. 5th place for Rebecca Boydell, 6th place Mr&Mrs SA Britton, 6th place V Ridgers, 6th place M Grundy, 6th place A Reynolds again contact me to arrange which shows you will be at so I can take there.

Ruth Lewis

Secretary’s report – Wirral ATS Shows

Firstly I must apologise for the lateness of this report regarding our shows held on 11th and 12th May 2019.

We had enough rain to test the waterproofs before the shows, but luckily the sun shone most of the weekend although a little breezy at times!

Congratulations to our ticket winners, Nina Whitnell with Cories Ray of Sunshine and Karen Aarons with Syanne Fancy that Edition. Good Luck at Crufts 2020.

A big thank you must go to all the judges and stewards who gave up their time over the two days and also to all those who helped (club members and non- club members alike), who worked really hard over the weekend to ensure everything ran smoothly. We had new catering which seemed to be much appreciated.

Unfortunately there were a couple of individuals who drove across the rugby pitch. This action could have put the venue in jeopardy. PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE ACROSS THE PITCH. If this happens again, then any individuals identified will have their entries refused in future years. It is one of the best venues around and we do not wish to lose it. Moan over
We only have a small band of active obedience competitors and although we get help from some other club members it would be much appreciated if we could have help to clear the ground at the end of the second day to bring in the rings, etc. (Age is fast catching up with us!)

Finally thank you for your entries, and see you next year on 9th and 10th May 2020.

Nicki Fildes-Moss
Show Secretary W.A.T.S.

Show Manager’s Report – Chesvale


After a difficult run up to the show, losing 3 of our judges and stewards and having problems with how we were going to get rid of the dog’s deposits! Hazell Williamson, Sue Monk and June Le Fevre stepped in to help us and all the other judges were fantastic in supplying their own ring stewards which makes such a difference.

Thanks to Carol Ashton for taking on the role of Chief Stay Steward for us and did a brilliant job. The weather was chilly at times but perfect for the dogs and there were no reported incidents in or outside the stay ring.

The training ring was manned by Donna Bastin, Chrissie Skelly with Keith Saunders keeping them under control after setting up the rings and doing his car parking duties. They worked hard all day helping people practice and I know everyone appreciates the opportunity to train in a show environment and thanks go to the team for their time and support.

Our chosen charity this year was breast cancer and with the training ring making £152.00 and the tombola making £113.50, it means that £265.50 will be on its way to the Breast Cancer unit at Luton and Dunstable hospital.

I can’t thank all our members individually in this post as there were over 30 of them! From Clare Williams our fantastic efficient show secretary, our masterchef caterers, bake off cake makers, grass rakers, toilet roll attendants, poo collectors, our tent erection team and the small army of helpers dismantling everything at the end of the day – couldn’t do it without you all!

Finally, to all the competitors who attended – we hope you had an enjoyable day and thank you for all the lovely comments and expressions of thanks for putting on a show. A little thanks goes a long way.

Our next show is on Sunday 25th August, pre-beginner, beginner and novice only, so look out for the schedule which will be available shortly.


Secretary’s Report – Leicestershire GSD

Mon 6th May 2019

To our sponsors Petneeds & CSJ Thanku

To everyone my sincere thanku for your efforts & help was outstanding especially for me having taken a fall suffering a fracture to my foot just prior to the event.

Thanku to my judges & stewards for giving up your valuable time which I really contributed to the success of the day could not do with out you.thanku also to Gerard & John for stepping in to cover Janes class.

To some on committee for help on setting up rings on Sunday & cleaning away & my friends who have nothing to do with club.

To Marcia many thanks & the stay team u were excellent work as it was very cold out there. Bryan for doing Chief stewarding & sorting out.

Kyle the young lad who recorded the event I will get photos on asap but he is taking exams . Rebecca who help me in stays she enjoyed herself, Nicole for running around doing things for me. Glen for stepping in to do scent as no one else would THANKU.

It was nice to see Marj visit the show.

If I have forgotten anyone my apologies but not least thanku for your entries to show.

I will be at Loughborough show with Rosettes for P Braddock. E Garwood. S Beswick. G Lyons. C Heath.


walking stick, ball, treatbox, chair, bag with wet gear in .

Best Wishes

Jacki Snook

Temporary Schedules Page

Whilst the main ObedienceUK site is down (owing to cyber attack on the hosting servers) I’ve decided to put all URGENT schedules (those with close ‘CLOSING DATES’) on here temporarily.


Crufts Inter Regional – Western Area

I don’t want this to read too much like the Oscars but I have a lot of thank yous following the Inter Regional Comp – Western Area at Crufts.
Firstly to my fab team. We may not have won but we had a great team spirit and I was proud to be there with you. Thank you to Pauline and Gill who have supported me and helped with the team selection; I shall miss our meet ups to choose the team.
We had plenty of sponsorship this year so I would firstly like to thank Christine Richardson who sourced, ordered and paid for all our team jackets (including one for me from the team) for which I was very touched. Thank you all. Jan Saker for the tuggies for each of the team, the South West Obedience League for the dog leads in our team colours, CSJ for the sack of dog food for each team member (thanks for organising Hilary) and Hayes Parsons Insurance Brokers for the dog coats and sports water bottles for each of our team. Grateful thanks to you all.
Also Debbie, Sue, Jan and everybody else involved in the fund raising which paid for the training halls for our meet ups and practice.
It really was a great team effort so thank you for making my last year as team manager so special.
As a last note, I shall miss my team manager “family” and our messages. It was a great idea Wendy.

Steph Woollam

Secretary’s Report – Reedyford

REEDYFORD D.T.C. Show Saturday 2nd March 2019

On behalf of the Committee of Reedyford DTC I want to thank all the Judges and Stewards for giving up their time to judge for us, without you all we wouldn’t have a show. I hope you all enjoyed your day as much as we enjoyed having you,

Special thanks to Nicki Fildes Moss for stepping in to judge A pt 2 only a few short days before our show and Kaydie Davidson for stepping in to steward for Nicki when we didn’t have a steward up until late Friday afternoon , you are both STARS.

Continue reading “Secretary’s Report – Reedyford”

Show secretary’s report – Reedyford Open Show

Can I first thank all of the committee for putting in the amount of work needed to put on this show, their really are just a handful of us , Edward our Chief Steward, Elaine our Chief Stay Steward along with Susan,Diane,Judith,Lynne and Maureen (stay Stewards) , Lynne & Judith serving the Judges & Stewards their food in the Cafeteria, Diane boiling kettles , Brenda & Susan running round doing a bit of everything , we were missing one member Wendy who couldn’t make it due to having some devastating news on Thursday, she was very much missed by us all, also Audrey Wilkinson who was there to help at the crack of dawn with setting up the rings and anything else that needs doing early on show day.

Continue reading “Show secretary’s report – Reedyford Open Show”

Show secretary’s report – Phoenix Obedience Dog Club Open Show

Wow wow wow…
Where to begin.
6 months ago myself, Margaret, Steve, Audrey & Becky set out on the adventure of starting a new listed club and show.
Could we start from scratch?
Would people support us?
Could we generate enough funds to do it?


Today was the first ever PHOENIX OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB show.

Continue reading “Show secretary’s report – Phoenix Obedience Dog Club Open Show”

Show secretary’s report – Anglian Acorns Obedience Group Show

Well we did it.

A new weekend of shows for East Anglia was the plan and that’s exactly what happened on the 13th & 14th of October 2018. Storm Declan did it’s best to blow us off the map, however we battened down the fixtures and plowed on. From arrival on Thursday through to Saturday we were treated to high winds with some gusts of up to 80mph, Sunday the wind dropped but the rain arrived with a vengeance. It truly was an initiation test for us as organisers due to the weather conditions and we thank you all for your understanding when our catering plans had to change.

Continue reading “Show secretary’s report – Anglian Acorns Obedience Group Show”