BCOS Show Thank You’s & Results – Emneth 10th June 2018

The BCOS team would like to thank all our lovely judges Jo Hill, Sarah Connell, Wendy Wheatcroft, Kamal Fernandez & Kathy Woodgreaves and their fantastic stewards and scoreboarders for giving up their day to help everyone else enjoy theirs. Of course many other people helped and I am not going to mention anyone in particular for fear of missing someone out – you were all stars.

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Show secretary’s report – Newbury Show

First I would like to re-iterate all of Kate’s Thank you’s and add a few of my own.

Thank you to all the committee and club members who made the show such a vibrant success; to those judges and stewards who answered my desperate pleas for an additional C and B judge on FaceBook, namely Heidi and Robin, Rob and Kathy, thank you all so much, you saved my bacon!! Also thanks to all the Scoreboarders who came forward and offered their services and who filled all the vacancies. Brilliant.

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Show secretary’s report – SKC Championship Show 19th May 2018

SKC Championship Show 19th May 2018

Show Report

Special thanks to my wife Jean as well as, Hazel, Dave, Margo and Sandra as they were my support team throughout the day as well as in the run up to the show I could not have done it without them.

We arrived at the venue on Thursday to have a final walk through of the areas where the show was going to be held all was looking good, signs all up to ensure the areas were kept clean prior to show day. Friday afternoon was spent marking out and setting up the rings, this involved a lot of hard work as we could not use the traditional ring poles. Thankfully the weather was kind to us during this time; and the same on the Saturday.

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Leicestershire GSD Show Secretary’s report

Leicestershire GSD show – 7/5/2018

Right, another year, another show. I would like to say a few thank you’s on behalf of myself and the club committee.
Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to the judges and stewards who gave up there time to make the show possible for the club and for the competitors.
Secondly, I would like to thank Marcia for agreeing to chief stay steward which I understand went well without any issues. Continue reading “Leicestershire GSD Show Secretary’s report”

Chesvale DTC Show Secretary’s report


Every year, twice a year, I sit down to write my Show Manager’s report for our open obedience shows. Every year I don’t think that the Chesvale members can top their performance on the last year. HOWEVER, that is exactly what they did.

From arriving on Saturday afternoon, armed with grass rakes to ensure all the rings were clear of any lose grass clippings, to turning up early on Sunday morning to help set up the rings, assist with ‘tent erection’ and generally working like little beavers all day to make such a wonderful day for everyone. Not only our members but husbands and children (slave labour was mentioned at one point) mucked in with whatever needed doing. The ladies in the kitchen (used to call them girls when they started but time has moved on!) yet again supplied a fantastic spread for the judges and helpers at lunchtime and the second team came in to serve the afternoon teas and lovely homemade cakes.

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Lanarkshire CTA Show Secretary’s report

As this was my first year as show secretary I knew I had big boots to fill, our previous show secretary Eilleen Murphy had decided to retire from being our show secretary after 40 odd years, she done an amazing job as show secretary and she is still helping me now.

A massive big thanks to all of the judges, stewards and stay stewards who helped us out today without your help there would be no show, thanks again.


Well what can I say about our helpers today well quite a lot actually, our club members are all amazing they go the extra mile to help out, from the members that set up the rings, car parking, catering, stay stewards and everything else they helped out with running our show you are brilliant, can you do it again next year lol.

Our weather this year was soso a wee bit chilly with some rain so next year we have put an order in for sunshine fingers crossed the big man helps us out ?.

So thanks again for everyone that helped us run this fabulous show and we hope to see you all next year.

(Apprentice) show secretary
Lesley McQuade ( with a big help from Eilleen Murphy)




A dog from Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire has triumphed at Crufts by winning the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Special Pre-Beginner Obedience Stakes Competition on Saturday 10th March.

Kheva, a four-year-old Pyrenean Sheepdog and her owner Jeanna Gwilliam beat the competition to be crowned the winner of the 2018 Stakes Competition at the world’s greatest dog show. Kheva’s win was extra special as she was the first of her breed to ever qualify for this particular competiton.



A dog from Worsley, Manchester, has triumphed at Crufts by winning the Young Kennel Club (YKC) Good Citizen Dog Special Pre-Beginner Obedience Stakes Competition on Friday 9th March.

Theo, a one-year-old Miniature Poodle, and his owner, 19-year-old Ellie Rivington beat ten other talented dogs to be crowned the winner of the 2018 Stakes Competition at the world’s greatest dog show. This is the third time the YKC competition has been added to the Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme (GCDS) ring at Crufts.


Labrador Retrievers hailed nation’s most obedient breed after winning ‘Obreedience’ final at Cruft

A team of Labrador Retrievers have won the Obreedience competition at the world’s greatest dog event, Crufts on Thursday 8th March.

The Lively Labs team proved themselves more obedient than the nine other breed teams that made it to the final at Crufts in Birmingham. The other finalists were Toy Poodles, Australian Cattle Dogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Miniature Long Haired Dachshunds, Smooth Collies, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Lagotti Romagnoli, Jack Russell Terriers and Manchester Terriers.

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