Another year over at SOS Shows.
I must firstly thank Kay Allen and her great team for letting us piggy back their fabulous shows at SWCOG, without them l really doubt that SOS could manage. Thank you all for your help,.
It all came about after joking with Kay several years ago and that was it.
Thank you Jason Bath & Claire Bath for all of your valuable help in getting the shows up and running, much appreciated. Also Carl & Diane Thorne, Sue Aldridge, Michelle Verrill Lynne Webster, Di Fairfield, Sue Walker for turning out and offering her services for free (brushed the cobwebs off and stewarded one day, scoreboarder the other, plus help with other jobs) My other son Matthew, who’s help was very much appreciated, a grand job done.
To anyone & everyone that helped in any way, shape or form, a great big thank you. Judges, Stewards, Scoreboarders, setters up & takers down and anyone in between ~ thank you.
Hope to see you all again next year, and if anyone can offer their services for setting up, taking down or an odd job somewhere, it’ll be gratefully received.
Hope that l haven’t missed anyone out, if so, my apologies and thank you too
Happy dogs, happy shows everyone
Carol Bath