Show secretary’s report – BAGSD

BAGSD show: Saturday 21st September.

Secretaries report (the the obedience equivalent of an Oscar’s speech!! 😂)

Firstly we would like to say a massive THANK YOU to all of the people who helped to make our show a success…we are grateful to every single one of you!

Special thanks has to go to Kathy and Pete, for organising everything venue wise and letting us use their equipment, Jane Barstow for being our chief steward, Sandra Cobbold for driving hours to come and do an amazing job with the admin and “the boys” who without a doubt are the hardest working people in obedience and cheerful with it!

The members of Walsall BAGSD, who despite not being a competitive obedience club, came along and did absolutely every job asked of them perfectly and with enthusiasm! Once again, we had more helpers than we knew what to do with, which is amazing!

Some of them even entered their first show and came away with prizes…congratulations and hopefully you’ll get to some more shows! 😁

Jan, Vicky and Denise manned the kitchen and provided an awesome judges lunch, which was a little different this year and very well received…and the homemade cakes were to die for as usual! Thank you ladies!

Huge congratulations to everyone who got placed and a special congratulations to our two ticket winners…good luck at Crufts!

Obviously it can’t all be good.

We had a competitor (and yes, we do know who it was) who drove at a ridiculous speed (20-25 mph) through the camping area on Saturday morning, as they wanted a particular parking spot for the day.

The 5mph limit is there for a reason, you are putting people and dogs lives at risk, especially through where dogs may be coming out of gardens or through the cut throughs.

You are also putting the use of the venue at risk,as the council are strict on our movements and speed.

I think a reminder that entries can be refused by show societies…and will be, if this happens again. We will also report it in the incident book.

Rant over!!

Obviously we can’t do a report without mentioning the pretty impressive weather…thank you to the majority of people who were patient and cheerful whilst we sorted out getting you out of the mud and off the venue! The great British weather definitely made Sunday interesting!! 😂

As most people know, Bea and I will be running Kathy’s 3 days and the weeks camping as well as our own show next year, so if you would like to offer to judge, we still have some judging slots available! 🙏 — with Beatrix Benton.

Tracey Pilsbury

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