Phew!! I think the weather gods chucked everything at us this year. From torrential rain and thunderstorms to occasional patches of sunshine. I hope everyone manages to get off the venue today (Tuesday). Huge thanks to all the people who offered to tow the unfortunate stuck ones. Especially the tractor man who’s been working hard all morning.
Mega thanks to all who made this weekend possible. All our lovely judges and their stewards/score stewards for standing out in the rain. Gloria Fountain & Helen Jermy who work hard guiding all the campers into their places. You had a lot to put up with this year – unfortunately a few people don’t seem to realise you need to sleep at night The day car park people – Steve Parmiter and Steve Clark. Hope you didn’t get too much grief from anyone. Glynis Smith for making a selection of scrummy cakes again – thanks Glynis, always appreciated
And please don’t forget the recipe for the cherry fruit cake. Seriously yummy! Thanks to Dave Gillett for doing his favourite stinky job lol Also to Loryn Oliver for standing in to judge, at short notice. Thanks to Jan and Clare for scoring/decoying where needed. And thanks to Reg Darby and Kay Griffiths for answering my plea for ring stewards. Huge thanks to our Chief Steward, Richard Kebble. Always on hand to help and advise, thank you. Hope you can do it all again next year
And a big hug to Vanda Fitter for taking all the scent cloths home to wash. Thank you Vanda
Thanks also to Teresa Paterson for printing, sorting class numbers & running orders etc. Not the easiest of jobs with people having to swap classes.
Thanks as always to the Norfolk/Yarmouth clubs for the use of their equipment. We definitely wouldn’t be able to run these shows without all your stuff! And thanks to John & Jo for allowing us to use their venue and Jo and girls especially for doing all the catering.
Hope I’ve not forgotten anyone.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend in spite of the rain. Huge thanks to everyone who put their name down to judge next year. We’ve actually got more names than we need!! I’ll be in touch with everyone soon. Thanks again.
One little moan to end on – to “Mr. Horrified” who came to tell us he was horrified that the beginners was taking so long to judge! I hope you were happy with your rosette after waiting sooo long. Just think for one minute that a comment like that, after we’ve spent all day putting on a show in the pouring rain, might just make us think “sod it, we won’t do this again” Oh well, there’s always one See you all next year 24/25/26th May And it’s still raining………
Kath Westell